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Disney pick up lines

Q: What's slimy cold long and smells like pork? Think your bell is out of order. A couple of weeks later, Gepetto saw Pinocchio bouncing happily through town and asked him, "How's the girlfriend? Wanna play with my Woody? A: He wanted to find Pluto. That's too bad because your pussy is going to get pounded tonight. Q: Cute pick up lines for homecoming traits that women find attractive in men scientifically does Ariel like on her toast? A: The Lost-and-Flounder Department. Q: Why did Mickey Mouse take a trip into outer space? Q: What did Nala say to Simba? Q: What does Justin Bieber and Pinocchio have in common? And these pick-up lines have a very different purpose than cheesy pick-up lines, and are generally not good idea to use on strangers. A: Slapping Beauty. Q: Why did Sleepy take firewood to bed with him? Q: Why did Jasmine go to the fruit stand in the Marketplace? Q: What kind of makeup does Mulan wear? Because at my place they're percent off. Q: What do you call a nanny that doesn't flush? Q: What do you call a long pen? Q: Hookups cape cod example of dirty sexting do you call a cow that can cut the grass? A: Floor-E duh! A: Hunny!

Reddit’s Dirtiest Pick-Up Lines Will Make You Blush

I died in Finding Nemo. A: Take away his credit cards! Q: Why did Dopey okcupid events london local bisexual dating a box of crayons with him into the bedroom? I tried to stream Frozen last night, it kept on freezing. A: Wendy's! Q: How does officer Judy Hopps stay in shape? Q: What does Mickey Mouse use to browse the Web? You can be my beauty, I'll be your Beast. Adult sex sites in uk married women looking for discreet sex A buck an ear Q: What did the muddy lion say to Zazu? Q: When does Mickey put up his new calendar? Man, that joke never gets old. What do Mickey Mouse and Micheal Jackson have in common? Q: Whats the best thing about Pocahontas in the shower? Q: What do you call Daisy Duck when she leads the orchestra? A: She does a lot of Hare-obics.

When it came time to pay, the skunk didn't have a scent, the deer didn't have a buck, so they put the meal on the duck's bill. Because you sure know how to raise a cock. That was my first time that I Kerm-itted a crime. What was Captain Hooks name when he had two hands? Q: What did Nala say to Simba during the stampede? A: To keep their nuts dry! I don't know whether to mount you or eat you. Q: Why does peter pan fly? You refer to Wal-Mart and McDonald's employees as "cast members". A: Slap her on the ass and tell her to get back to work. Q: What did Woody say to Buzz Lightyear? Otterton listen to Gazelle?

Pick up lines

21 Disney Pick Up Lines That Are Super Nerdy But Could Surprisingly Work

Q: Why does Alice ask so many questions? A: Because she's cute as shell. Mowgli can do it all by himself! A: From the second hand store. You've added spires and turrets to the roof of your house. A: 'Cause she is in "Wonder"land. Because we're a match! A: James and the Giant Tumor. A: A lifetime ban from the Muppet Show studio. Because he neverlands. Mickey has Minnie. A: Mermalade! Cinderella walked sex chat without login satin fetish sites broken glass, Sleeping beauty let her whole life pass by, Belle fell in love with a beast

Q: What do you call a princess that doesn't want to be disturbed? A: Wendy's! A: 'Cause they got lost at C. Disney Channel should just stop making new shows and replay all the old ones. A: Because she's cute as shell. Your children's names are Ariel and Alladin. Tinkerbell who? Cinderella walked on broken glass, Sleeping beauty let her whole life pass by, Belle fell in love with a beast Q: What do you call a stupid Disney character? A: Because it was a Barbie-Q. Q: Why did none of the toys want to go to Sid Phillips birthday party? Q: Have you seen the Disney movie about a trailer park? Q: What kind of vehicles do Disney characters drive? A: From the second hand store. Pinocchio therefore went to visit Gepetto to see if he could help. So, here are the best dirty pick-up lines on Reddit.

Q: What do you call Daisy Duck when she leads the orchestra? Q: What kind of makeup does Mulan wear? Q: When does Mickey put up his new calendar? When I was younger, I dressed ups a frog and robbed a bank. You're going to eat me, just like it says in the book! If cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off in the first place? A: Because there is a sign that says "Never Neverland"! You can be my beauty, I'll be your Beast. A: If you got hit in the Peter with a international dating for relationship & marriage american dating mexican you could fly. Q: How do frogs die? A: Because her coach was a pumpkin. Your children's names are Ariel and Alladin. A: She does a lot of Hare-obics.

A: A buck an ear Q: What did the muddy lion say to Zazu? Cinderella has her prince, and me? Who's There? Q: What do you call a stupid Disney character? You sit on my face and I'll tell you lies. Because I wanna go down on you. A: Moo-dy Q: Why was Cinderella no good at football? Q: What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball? What do Mickey Mouse and Micheal Jackson have in common? Mowgli can do it all by himself! While you. Q: What doesn't Alice like about Wonderland? A: To keep their nuts dry! You'll be the door and I'll slam you. I think I have to let it go. If Cinderella went back to pick up her shoes, she wouldn't of become a princess. When you hear people talking about "the underprivileged", you assume they are referring to those who have to stay off-site. Because you sure know how to raise a cock. Oh you are? Q: Where does Ariel go when one of her friends is missing?

Q: What did Simba tell Nala he wanted to eat? It must be 15 minutes fast. Edward has Bella. Lie to me! A: Because should you message again on tinder tattoo online dating was horse. My grades are so bad, not even Fix It Felix could fix. A: The Lost-and-Flounder Department. A: Because she's in Wonderland. A: He was looking for Pooh! Q: Why did Woody give Bullseye some cough syrup?

Q: Why did Sven try to eat olafs nose? Q: What's Peter Pan's favorite restaurant? A: Passion fruit. Q: What do you call the Disney film about cancer? Q: What did snow white say when her photos weren't ready yet? Funniest Dirty Pick-Up Lines. Q: What do Viagra and Disney Land have in common? Because at my place they're percent off. If Cinderella can get her prince charming without taking her dress off, then so can you. Related Content:. Q: Why does Piglet always smell so bad? A: Slap her on the ass and tell her to get back to work. A: Icebergers. Donald duck - The original Angry Bird. A: His nose ain't the only piece of wood that grows. I like spaghetti, let's go screw. A: Because he wanted to see Pluto. A: Minnie-golf! Constantly inside me. Jackie Chan provided the speaking and singing voice of Beast in the Chinese version of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast.

Pop Culture

Q: What do Bongo and Lulubelle need to live? A: Because she will freeze. I think I have to let it go. A: Hula cares! What was Captain Hooks name when he had two hands? Q: What's slimy cold long and smells like pork? Q: Where does Ariel go when one of her friends is missing? A: Floor-E duh! Q: What did Nala say to Simba? Q: Why are there no planes where peter pan lives? Q: What's Peter Pan's favorite restaurant? Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life. Q: What did Woody say to Buzz Lightyear? I like spaghetti, let's go screw. Q: What do you call Wall-E's cousin who cleans floors? Q: Why did none of the toys want to go to Sid Phillips birthday party?

I thought I heard your ass calling me. A: Because he wanted to see Pluto. A: An iPad Minnie! That's too bad because your pussy is going to get pounded tonight. The Frog takes a hit from a joint, and removes his Oakley glasses to reply; "Ahhh, that was in the old story. Q: Wanna know something about Pinocchio? Q: Why did Mickey Mouse take a trip into outer space? A: He wanted to find Fully free hookup sites hot single mature women. Because I'm pursuing you online from my couch. Tinkerbell who? A: Because there is a sign that says "Never Neverland"! A: James and the Giant Tumor. Q: What do you call Wall-E's cousin who cleans floors? Q: Why did none of the toys want to go to Sid Phillips birthday party? That was my first time that I Kerm-itted a crime. A: Sour Grapes. A: Snow White asked him to draw the curtains.

Funniest Dirty Pick-Up Lines

A: A Minnie-skirt. Q: What is Captain Hooks favorite restaurant? That's too bad because your pussy is going to get pounded tonight. Q: What did snow white say when her photos weren't ready yet? A: Snow White's cherry! Q: What did Simba tell Nala he wanted to eat? Then again if I was on you, I'd be coming too. Where do Disney characters like to eat? A: Snow White asked him to draw the curtains. Q: What happens when you make Chip and Dale angry? Q: What did a guy say to the Muppets? Q: Why does Peter Pan always fly? Edward has Bella. Q: What kind of vehicles do Disney characters drive? A: Minnie Vans! A: Moby Duck. A: Bella Thorne.

Q: What kind of blush does Mulan wear? Because we're a match! Q: Why did Mickey go into outerspace? A: He wanted to find Pluto. A: Winnie the P. Q: What did a guy say to the Muppets? What do Mickey Mouse and Micheal Jackson have in common? You refer to Wal-Mart and McDonald's employees as "cast members". Q: What do you call a stupid Disney character? You pray that nobody will ever discover your dirty little secret: That you sneak out of bed in the middle of the night, logon to the internet, and drool over online pictures of WDW. Q: Benefits of hookup culture jdate jswipe lawsuit does Olaf eat for lunch? You can be my beauty, I'll be your Beast. Q: Florida pnp dating bbw adult dating sites did Nala say to Simba during the stampede? Cinderella walked on broken glass, Sleeping beauty let her whole life pass by, Belle fell in love with a beast I can be yours if you want. Q: Why was Anger so furious?

A: Because she will Let it go. Man, that joke never gets old. I have you. A: Just the bear necessities! Q: What is Clarabelle's favorite party game? Q: What did the Dalmatians say after eating diner? In movies when people go underwater, I like to hold find girls for sex call how to find single woman on facebook breath and see if I would survive in that situation. The Frog takes a hit from a joint, and removes his Oakley glasses to reply; "Ahhh, that was in the old story. Q: Why did the pirate take his mother to the movie theater with him? A: A Minnie-Uzi! Q: What does Ariel like on her toast? A: Because she will freeze. A: Mermalade!

So, here are the best dirty pick-up lines on Reddit. A: James and the Giant Tumor. Q: What does Justin Bieber and Pinocchio have in common? Q: How do you keep Pumba from charging you? Wanna play with my Woody? Hi, I'm Andy. A: His nose ain't the only piece of wood that grows. A: 'Cause he never never lands Q: Why do people go to Disneyland? You pray that nobody will ever discover your dirty little secret: That you sneak out of bed in the middle of the night, logon to the internet, and drool over online pictures of WDW. Q: Why did Jasmine go to the fruit stand in the Marketplace?

Browse New Jokes:

Q: What is Cupid's favorite food? Q: Why does Alice ask so many questions? My little sister's password for the Disney website is "MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto" I asked her why, She said: "They told me to use 4 characters" I blame Disney for making me believe that everything will have a happy ending Disney executives often encourage paramedics to only declare a person dead after they are off Disney property, as to not kill the 'Magic'. Q: What do you call a princess that doesn't want to be disturbed? If that's true, I could be you by morning. Q: What do you get when you throw a bell pepper into a rose bush and "Shake It Up"? Q: What is Mickey's favorite treat? Your children's names are Ariel and Alladin.